Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas.
Best wishes for a healthy and happy 2009!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My new glasses...

... to go with my new college degree. Do they make me look as damn smart as I am? Ha! I am talking to Shelley on the phone in this picture. Hi Shelley! OK, I am a dork. LOL

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I is a college gra-gee-it

Stick me with a fork because I am done like dinner! Yayyyyyyyyyyy!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

10 Days and Counting...

Classes end on Dec 20, but I am setting a personal deadline of Dec 16 to finish all assignments and final exams so I can be D-O-N-E done with school! Gee, it's about time, eh? LOL I definitely did not go the traditional route for my formal education, but I have certainly learned a lot along the way from life's School of Hard Knocks. :)

I am not walking in the graduation ceremony... who would come to it anyway after all?? Oh well. Franklin University will mail my B.S. in Accounting diploma to me in early January and then I will apply for the CPA exam. My goal is to pass all four parts of the exam and have my CPA license by the end of 2009.

Anyhoo, I am very excited about finishing my degree!! I have been taking classes here and there for several years, but in September 2007 I decided to buckle down and go to school full-time while continuing to work full-time. I am just plain exhausted after 15 months of that and I am ready to have a normal life again! Anyone who has been around me over the past 15 months is ready for me to return to my normal self too! I promise to smile a bit more and go out and have more fun now. Thanks to all of my friends and family who were loyal and understanding during this crazy time of my life. I appreciate your love and support. XOXO