Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's Official!

I passed the final tryouts tonight so I have now achieved skater level status with the Gem City Rollergirls! This means that I will be added to the roster of 20 skaters who can compete in the bouts that will begin in April. Yayyyy!!!! It has been a grueling 8 weeks of practices and tryouts, especially with my work schedule, so I am pretty damn proud of myself! Check here or your email for updates on scheduled scrimmages and bouts.

Oh, and I chose "Calculating Bitch" for my skater name. The geek accountant/comic in me could not resist. LOL However, since it's a family-friendly league I have to use Beetch instead which is Ok with me. My number will be "10-Key". This is a calculator in accountant speak for those who don't know. :)


Kenny B. said...

Tracy - Congratulations! You are awesome! I am so coming to watch this derby stuff. I can't wait! Good luck - and kick some arss! (that's Irish). ;)

Shelley said...


miller259 said...

Hey girl! It'll be kinda of nice seeing someone else knocking you down(or you knocking someones block off) besides Excited to see you play.

Scrappin and Yappin said...

Very cool!! Congrats!


Dave said...

You go girl. I need a schedule. Do you need groupies? I know a bunch of old guys.

~Tracy said...

Groupies? Hell yeah! LOL No official schedules out yet. We will scrimmage in March and early April though and they will be open to the public. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for paying attention. ;-)

Phil Block Cheese said...

Hey "Bitch"!! You go, girl! Can't wait to see your first match. I'll be there wearing my wife beater tshirt.